Pastor Randy Currier

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Randy Currier was born and raised in Baton Rouge, LA and born again as a
junior in high school. He graduated from Louisiana State University in 1986. In
1987 Randy married his wife and love of his life, De, and the Lord soon called
them into Christian ministry.  Together they have served the Lord in full time
Christian ministry for over 30 years.  Randy had the great privilege to serve as
associate pastor for 21 years before the Lord called him to pastor and found
Cornerstone Church of Baton Rouge in June 2017 where De serves as the
worship leader. Over the years God has greatly blessed Randy and De with two
wonderful, godly sons William (and his wife Addyson, and their daughter Alex
Renee) and Peter who love and serve the Lord.

The Lord has given Randy a genuine love for Christ and His Word.  He has
devoted himself to faithfully serving God and ministering the truth of God’s
unchanging word that men may come to know Christ and become His disciples.
 In addition to pastoring, God has given Randy many opportunities to minister
consistently to young and old alike in: prisons, schools, local and foreign mission
fields and inner city outreaches.

God burdened Randy’s heart to plant and pastor Cornerstone Church and
surrounded him with a fellowship of loving, strong believers who long to worship
and faithfully serve Jesus Christ.  Randy desires for the Lord Jesus to be
magnified above all, on the earth and in His church.  He believes that as Christ is
lifted up through the preaching of the Word and the witness of the Holy Spirit,
He will draw men unto Himself and build His church.

“And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ
Himself being the chief corner stone.” Ephesians 2:20

Email Pastor Randy